Heat Surveys

Lost heat is lost money. This project can help you reduce the heat being lost from your house and keep you warmer. 
Thermal image surveys can locate areas of concern to be rectified. We can help to identify:
  • Cold air ingress
  • Leaks & blockages in heating systems
  • Identify damaged or missing insulation
  • Thermal bridging
This in turn could help you save money on your heating bills and make your house warmer.
The survey itself takes up to 2 hours with a report sent to you afterwards. You need to make sure your heating has been on so your house is warm, and it is best carried out in the evenings to ensure a good contrast for the thermal imaging camera.
This is a brand-new service so we are offering reduced rates for residents near Dartmouth who would like to identify areas of their house, flat or bungalow that are losing heat.
If you would like to find out more or book a survey phone Alan Depledge on 07726 598 083 or email heatsurveys@beginbystarting.co.uk

Our thanks to Firepower for the donation of a professional Testo thermal imaging camera which has allowed this project to begin.